The program is constantly being updated. We reserve the right to change the program. Please note that photos and videos are taken at the event and participation in the event automatically implies consent to their publication.

Craftsmasters’ Paths

These panel discussions offer a chance to get to know craftspeople and artists whose names are a hallmark of the crafts unit of the Hungarian Heritage House, as we interview our highly experienced instructors.

During the personal conversations, we can find out what was the defining experience that led the masters to their trade, what were the main stages they went through in the process of learning the craft, what they see as the challenges and joys of their trade, how they see its future, and what experiences shaped their creative career.

Three excellent feltmakers, Bea Németh, Csilla Dobinszki and Mónika Szabolcsi, will be participating.

Moderator: Erzsó Szabó, fellow at the Applied Folk Arts Department of the Hungarian Heritage House

Bea Németh, Csilla Dobinszki and Mónika Szabolcsi

Bea Németh, Csilla Dobinszki and Mónika Szabolcsi

Performer's profile