The program is constantly being updated. We reserve the right to change the program. Please note that photos and videos are taken at the event and participation in the event automatically implies consent to their publication.

Rőtökör: Kígyós Jancsi (Jancsi and the Snake)

In the performance of the small group that met near the forests, fields, and wild groves of Zselic, traditional live storytelling is complemented by figures made of wood, felt, and leather, and music played on old Hungarian instruments. They bring to life the story of Jancsi and the snake, enumerating the horror and beauty of fairy tales on a stage converted from our grandmothers’ old-fashioned, moth-eaten cupboard...

Cast: Zsuzsa Csépke, Tamás Czigány, Gergely Farkas, Áron Dóra, His Majesty the Snake King, and of course Jancsi...

Rőtökör Ensemble

Rőtökör Ensemble

Performer's profile